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Planning Board Minutes 03/10/08
Public Meeting @ 4:30 p.m.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Present:  Rich Osnoss, Chairman; Tim Lasker, Mitchell Posin, Billy Meegan, John Flender,
               PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant
Absent:   PersonNameRussell Walton, Janet Weidner

Call To Order
Mr. Osnoss, Chairman, opened the meeting at 4:35 p.m.

The January 14, 2008 executive session minutes were approved as amended.


Bracken Invoice:  The Board reviewed the invoice dated February 20, 2008 received from PersonNameThomas Bracken, Attorney at Law, for services rendered on the Robert Bigelow Appeal.  A motion was made, seconded and all approved payment of the $3,217.72 invoice.

Barbara Rivers Correspondence: The Board received the letter from Barbara Rivers, an abutter to William Graves' property.  Ms. Rivers requested to be notified by the Planning Board prior to any activity concerning the covenants on her property (Assessors Map 7, Lot 30), which also pertain to Mr. Graves' parcel (Assessors Map 7, Lot 29).  Ms. Soulagnet will mail an acknowledgment letter to Ms. Rivers.

Joshua Wiesner (Assessors Map 31, placeLot 9-3):   Ms. Soulagnet will contact Joe Hawkins, Joshua Wiesner's attorney, to set up an escrow account for the construction of the road and the installation of the municipal services.  Mr. Hawkins provided a cost estimate for the work,
which was $39,892.60.

Swimming Pool Bylaw:  The Board reviewed the letter received from the Attorney General's office, which stated subsection "c." of the swimming pool bylaw competes with the State Building Code.  In this letter, it suggests that we confer with Town Counsel and perhaps delete the text from the bylaw.  The Board proposed to amend the subsection to read (strikethough is deleted text; bold is proposed amendment):
                          "c.  The pool is securely fenced and maintained with child
                                 proof fence, gates and doors to a height of not less than
                                 four feet in accordance with the MA PlaceTypeplaceState PlaceTypeBuilding Code."
The Board asked PersonNameChristina Soulagnet to contact the Attorney General's office to confirm that amendment meets their approval.

Road Association Discussion:  The Planning Board discussed the road associations that have been drafted for MLR.  The one issue of concern is obligating affordable housing families to pay dues to two road associations; one for the road within the subdivision and one for the road leading up to the subdivision.  Tim Lasker stated that he would bring the road association up for discussion at the next Housing Committee meeting.  

MGL Chapter 44 s53G:  Employment of Outside Consultants
The public hearing for the amendment to the Subdivision Rules and Regulations, Appendix E, Employment of Outside Consultants, is scheduled for April 14, 2008 at 4:30 p.m.  Ms. Soulagnet will advertise in the Times newspaper in the March 27 and April 3 editions.

Master Plan Update
The Board received a copy of the draft survey that Ms. Weidner and Ms. Soulagnet had put together.  The Board reviewed this document in conjunction with the email message from PersonNameMark London, placeMartha's Vineyard Commission, which outlined questions pertaining to the Island Plan.  Mr. Osnoss agreed that a few of the questions from Mr. London could be used in our Master Plan Update survey.    The members discussed ideas for the survey questions:
1.  Mr. Flender suggested adding, "If no, what do you do?" as a question to follow the "Are you retired?" question.  
2.  The board began to list choices of town government and/or administrative services to the "Town Service" question.  
3.  Mr. Posin suggested asking the townspeople where they would like to see Community Preservation Funds be spent.
4.  Energy efficiency:  The members discussed creating an energy efficiency question for the survey.  This would also provide insight for when the Planning Board formulates the broader energy bylaw in the future.  
5.  Bike paths:  Should Chilmark look into creating bike paths to connect to other towns?
6.  Windmills:  Should placePlaceNameNomans PlaceTypeLand be the location for a windmill farm?
7.  Transportation:  Presently, there is no bus service on addressStreetMiddle Road.  Should we change this?
8.  Research if there are any ancient ways in Chilmark.  addressStreetKings Highway?
9.  Does Chilmark have any neighborhoods?  Should we define these areas?
10.  What maps does the placeMartha's Vineyard Commission have that could be available to us?  The members suggested having a map with overlays indicating trails, homes with lot lines, MV Land Bank land, Town-owned land, etc…  Ms. Soulagnet will research and get back to the Board.
It was noted that graphics should be included in the survey.  The members will continue this discussion at the Master Plan Update meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 1:00 pm.

There was no other business.  Mr. Osnoss adjourned the meeting at 6:15  p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant.